Gifts made by mums and dads running a business around family life.
Free Returns


Cost of delivery

All postage and packaging prices are provided by the individual sellers and vary depending on the product being sold. Unless indicated otherwise prices quoted are for mainland UK delivery. Products can also be posted overseas where indicated by the seller. If this option is not offered please contact the seller who will advise what is possible.


Delivery Method

Our sellers all deliver their orders via different delivery methods. You may be able to select different options at the Checkout depending on the seller you are buying form. Each seller will however specify the delivery method they will be using to post their product to you.


Delivery timescale

Our orders are all made by mums working around their families and this will sometimes have an effect on how quickly your order will be despatched. Each order will have an estimated delivery time detailed and you should look at this to see how long your order will take to arrive. This is also reconfirmed to you on your order confirmation email. Some items, such as personalised or customised items may take longer to produce subject to the type and complexity of the work required.


Multiple orders

If you wish to purchase several items from the same seller it may be possible to arrange a discounted postage and packaging charge. You will need to contact the seller to enquire.


Who is posting my order?

All purchased items are sent to you directly from the seller. All By Mama has no direct involvement in producing, packaging and posting of the products.


Date: 13:10:14

Version: V1

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