Alx Creations


History lies around us.
Memories lie within us.
Both are moments in time.
Some are ephemeral;
some are carved in our souls.

At Alx Creations I endeavor to hold those memories and the emotions they evoke, in beautiful, handcrafted glass. The work I create is focused around the concept of memory collection and preservation. Each and every piece is individually hand crafted to encapsulate a particular moment in time. My work ranges from small pieces of bespoke jewelry and home- ware to large works of public art, gallery work, commissions and even architectural glass.
As an artist, I have had a passion for art my entire life. This lead me to study Three Dimensional Design at Manchester Metropolitan University. It was here that I found my passion for glass. Since graduating I have developed my skills as a glass artist and have gone on to work with a wide variety of people running workshops and creating numerous works of art.

Mama Tip

Starting a business is always a tough process. Don’t expect to make instant profits. You will find you have to outlay for along time before you see the rewards but once you do you realise all your hard work had paid off. Not only are you making a living but most importantly you are doing something you enjoy. Running a business when you have kids isn’t easy. It’s hard balancing work time with time to play and go on days out as a family. Try to allocate set times to work. This helps to distinguish between working hours and family hours or else the two can easily become one and you find you don’t have enough time for the kids. More than anything else you must try to enjoy it, because that’s why we became self employed in the first place.

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